The Night UK-Wide

Night of Ideas

Focusing on our relationships with robots, the Alliance Française de Bristol invites the public to reflect on the place of robots in our everyday lives. What are the ethical consequences of such relationships and how do they contribute to redefine what it means to be alive?


Night of Ideas

For this year's theme ALIVE!, the Institut français d'Ecosse presents a programme of panel discussions and debates, and puts the younger generations at the heart of this event with debating competitions featuring the students of the University of Edinburgh.


Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Mind

For the Night of Ideas, the Alliance Française de Glasgow confronts our human mind and artificial intelligence, questioning the impact of our decisions in the field of AI, and therefore in our environment. Join in to hear experts in psychology, computational social intelligence and information knowledge management and to discuss these issues central to our time.


Night of Ideas

Has our technique overtaken our humanity? How much are we ready to delegate to AI and what positive/negative impacts can it have in the future? The Alliance Française de Jersey is organising a special debate, animated by senior journalist Rod Mc Loughlin.
A panel of experts and professionals will each give a 15-minute presentation on their ideas, expertise, experience and initiatives. This will be followed by an open debate and discussion to stimulate exchange between the panel members and the public.


Artificial vs. Natural Intelligence – Can robots think like us?

What does it mean to think and who or what is able to do so? Do artificial neural networks work just like a brain? Can we consider robots to be more alive than trees and octopuses? Exploring the advances in neuroscience, robotics and non-human intelligence, the Alliance Française de Manchester will put the brain at the centre of our understanding of what it means to be human, alive and intelligent.